Surya Namaskar, also known as Sun Salutation, is a type of yoga that is very beneficial for our mind and body. As the name suggests, it acts like a salute or greeting to the Hindu God of Sun, Surya, who is considered the source of all life. Anyone with the least knowledge about yoga can tell that Surya Namaskar is a unique yoga that stands out from all the other asanas. This uniqueness resides in more ways than just one. Daily practice of Surya Namaskar poses is something you need to add to your schedule as a step towards self-care and a healthy lifestyle. Here are a few reasons why Surya Namaskar is different from the other yoga poses:
- Structure: Surya Namaskar is a type of yoga that is a series of 12 interconnected poses performed one after the other. This chain of poses performed in this order-
- Pranamasana
- Hastauttanasana
- Hastapadadadana
- Ashwasanchalanasana
- Dandasana
- Ashtanga Namaskar
- Bhujangasana
- Adho Mukha Svanasana
- Ashwa Sanchalanasana
- Hastapadasana
- Hastauttanasana
- Tadasana
This is a unique approach to yoga that no other asana has. The asana has been beautifully designed to start off with some asanas that will warm up your body. By the time you are at the middle and end range of the 12 poses, it flows into more complex stances.
- Variations: Surya Namaskar can be practised in different ways according to what you are trying to achieve from it. You can either do the classic slow, lengthy variation of Surya Namaskar poses or switch it up and play with speed. Surya Namaskar can be classified as cardio when you do it at a fast pace at least a few times every day. There are different variations of Surya Namaskar called Sivanda Surya Namaskar, Ashtanga A Surya Namaskar, Ashtanga B Surya Namaskar and Chandra Namaskar. You can learn them all from Cult Live and incorporate whichever you find best into your daily schedule.
- Benefits: Different yoga poses have specific parts of the body that they focus on and benefit from. Surya Namaskar is unique in the way that it engages and targets all your body muscles. It has many mental and physical benefits like reducing stress, increasing bone strength, improving flexibility, bettering concentration and attention, enhancing cognitive function, improving digestive, boosting metabolism, improving heart health, weight loss, helping fight anxiety and depression, etc.
Surya Namaskar poses hold enough strength and impact to make a very positive change in your life. Make it a habit to do sets of this asana throughout your day. It is very easy to perform, it is fun, and you can do it at home without needing any kind of equipment. Learn all the different variations of Surya Namaskar from Cult Live’s pack. You can learn this in an easy way demonstrated by professionals.
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