Long Term Benefits and Risks of Physical Exercises for Your Health

Like compound interest, the benefits of exercises pile up over time. Once you push beyond the challenging few days, the rest is a return.

It is never easy to start exercising, especially in an age of ease and convenience where the average person sits about 9 to 10 hours a day pressing the phone or punching keys on a laptop. The time spent here could, however, be spent doing exercises; but like most other things, and it is a matter of personal interest.

While this body indolence might not begin to report immediately the disadvantages of just sitting around, as we age we get to notice that our bones are getting weaker and our heart is working harder to pump blood, only helped by prior exercises if there is any.

Long-term benefits of exercises

If you are fortunate to check through the opinions of fitness freaks on ReviewsBird.com, you’ll find that regular exercises improve the overall health. They are not putting on fitness gears and other body equipment to only want to work out. They are after the holistic health benefits exercises provide them with. Some of these benefits include:

·        Weight:

Regular exercise reduces weight. It is recommended for weight loss in the prevention of obesity and other heart diseases. Combined with ketogenic diets, the consequence on weight is unbelievable.

·        Bones and muscles:

Exercising regularly keeps your bones and muscles strong and firm. It improves both your muscular strength and endurance. In addition to that, it lets you age well with strong bones and firm muscles.

·        Cardiovascular diseases:

It has been proven that exercises prevent cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure, cardiac arrest, coronary heart disease, and others.

·        Mood and memory:

Regularly exercising keeps your body and soul together, improves your sleep pattern, and triggers the right mood in your body. It also keeps your brain sharp with increased cognitive abilities.

·        Energy:

You are considered full of stamina if your body can act against a force for some lengthy periods. This is what exercises provide you with. It boosts your energy and keeps your body fit.

Long-term risks of exercises

Unless you are after benefits only, you can’t ignore the fact that exercises also have risks. These risks are often associated with the activities, facilities, and perhaps equipment.

·        Aging:

Exercises might cause your body to start again fast due to the stretch of certain body tissues. There are limits to how the body can be stretched. If pulled beyond that, the skin might form wrinkles.

·        Diabetes:

This is not directly the effect of exercise. It is the result of high-sugar intake by most fitness freaks. As dehydration is common to exercise, and rather than go for water, they go for drinks that have the most sugar amount.


Physical exercises are good. They keep the body in check and help prevent the occurrence of certain diseases. However, there are risks to them. Some of these risks are mostly associated … Read More...

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Do Not Underestimate Thin and Sparse Baby Hair

Every parent would want the best conditions for their children. One of them is the child’s hair, which grows thick and beautiful. Unfortunately, some babies’ hair is thin and sparse when they are born. In some cases, this may just be the norm. But in some other cases, it can indicate a serious condition.

Causes of thin and sparse baby hair

Hair loss in children is a common occurrence. Just like adult hair, children’s hair also has a telogen phase.

What is the telogen phase?

The telogen phase is the resting phase that occurs in the hair. Where the hair is losing. About 6-8% of the total hair is in this phase at any one time. About three months into the telogen phase, hair falls out and new ones grow in their place.

The thickness of the baby’s hair is a combination of genetic, ethnic and hormonal factors. Baby’s hair basically starts to develop when she is 5 months in the womb and will fall out by itself when she is 4 months after birth. Replaced with new hair that follows the hair pattern of his parents.

The process of growing baby’s hair generally starts when he is 6 months old and lasts until he reaches the age of a toddler.

There are also some babies born with the back of the head that looks bald. How did it happen? The reason is because the friction between the head and pillow can cause bald spots. However, the point of baldness will disappear by itself when your little one starts to get on his stomach.

How to thicken baby hair

Seeing a baby shampoo commercial on television starring a baby with thick, healthy-looking hair does not rule out the possibility of making parents curious about how to make baby’s hair thick.

Actually, it is important to understand, like growing children, hair growth in every child is not the same. So, you don’t have to worry excessively or compare one another. There are still many ways you can do so that your baby’s hair grows thick, including the following:

1. Provide adequate nutrition

One way to make baby’s hair grow thick is to pay attention to good nutritional intake for children. That way the substances needed by children, especially for hair growth, will be fulfilled.

Make sure the intake of breast milk and complete nutritional content such as eggs, vegetables, fruits are fulfilled properly.

2. Cut your little one’s hair regularly

Not a few parents are hesitant to cut their child’s hair, which still looks short and so thin. In fact, cutting hair regularly is one way to keep the baby’s scalp clean and healthy so that it can accelerate the growth of baby’s hair.

Wash baby’s hair regularly. Use warm water so that the baby stays

3. Routinely apply hazelnut oil

Since the first hazelnut is believed to have many benefits for hair fertility. Not only for adults, the benefits of candlenut oil for babies are rarely known to people. Besides … Read More...

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