Growing Understanding About Skin Cancer Growth

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The sun plays a key role in sustaining life on earth. Plants use the energy from the sun to perform photosynthesis, which allows them to make food for themselves. In the process, they release the oxygen that other organisms, including humans, depend on. Unfortunately, exposure to the sun can also be harmful. Skin cancer represents the most common type of cancer, and studies show that in 90% of the cases, skin cancer can be linked to being exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun.

Cancer Growth

Cancer occurs when cells grow abnormally and divide in an uncontrolled manner. Cancer cells are no longer under the usual control mechanisms of the body; errors (or mutations) in the DNA of these cells allow them to grow out of control. In the case of skin cancer, the mutations that permit the cells to grow abnormally accumulate in skin cells. Although many cancer cells have the ability to metastasize (or spread) and can, therefore, be found throughout the body, cancers are named according to the type of tissue or organ in which the cancer initially formed. If someone receives a diagnosis of skin cancer Memphis doctors, as well as doctors in other cities, may need to order additional tests so that the stage of the cancer can be determined. Knowing the stage can be helpful in determining the most effective treatment options.

Skin Cancer Development

It is possible for skin cancer to develop on areas of the body that typically do not receive much sun exposure, such as the palms of the hands, the genital area, and beneath the toenails or fingernails. Development is more common, however, on sun-exposed body parts; these include the face, ears, lips, scalp, chest, neck, hands, arms, and (primarily in women) the legs. Interestingly, when skin cancer appears in darker-complexioned individuals, it often does so in those areas that typically receive less sun exposure; these can include the soles of the feet or the palms of the hands. Regardless of its location, if skin cancer is discovered early, a positive outcome is more likely.

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