The Definitive List of CrossFit Community Podcasts

The Definitive List of CrossFit Community Podcasts

Photo Credit: Parisa Jensen (IG: @parisa_jensen)

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Since the creation of the iPod, podcasts have become an increasingly popular part of daily life for millions of people. The Joe Rogan Podcast, Armchair Expert, Is We Dumb? and My Brother, My Brother & Me are all examples of shows covering a variety of topics. There are also a multitude of options for fitness enthusiasts.  

One big thing: CrossFit is immensely popular, and the availability of podcasts about the topic — and fitness in general — reflect this fact. There are shows that cover serious topics, others that focus on nutrition, and some that combine pop culture with functional fitness. Here is a list of shows you should know.

(Note: There are hundreds of shows that cover CrossFit and functional fitness. The following list focuses on ones that have been active in the past few months. If there is a podcast missing, please let us know.)

Shows Discussing the CrossFit Games: 

  • Talking Elite FitnessHosted by Tommy Marquez and Sean Woodland, Talking Elite Fitness provides everything from serious interviews to intense debates about the best Christmas songs and whether to wear flannel at farmers’ markets. 
  • Get With the ProgrammingHosted by CrossFit commentators/affiliate owners Chase Ingraham and Bill Grundler, this show looks back at the history of CrossFit events and analyzes whether they were a true test of fitness. 
  • The Blues City CrossFit ShowCrossFit podcast hosted by Taylor Streid, Stephen Wallace, Matt Dettmann, and Teddy Williams. The Blues City CrossFit Show covers a wide variety of topics, including college athletics and CrossFit, Ricky Garard, and the role of coach. 
  • CrossFit Games PodcastA newer addition to the space, the CrossFit Games Podcast features Chase Ingraham and Dave Castro as they conduct interviews with everyone from Danielle Brandon to Ricky Garard. 
  • Froning and FriendsRich Froning Jr. sits down with key members of the CrossFit Mayhem family roughly once a month to discuss fitness, hunting, Topo Chico, and the CrossFit season. Certain Sunday episodes serve as devotionals that cover specific books and chapters from the Bible. 
  • The Sevan PodcastA show created by Sevan Matossian, The Sevan Podcast features the content creator and analyst/content creator Brian Friend as they conduct candid interviews with a multitude of athletes and special guests. 
  • WODCast PodcastOriginally a show hosted by Armen Hammer, Scott McGee, and comedian Eddie Ifft, the WODCast Podcast now features Ifft as the sole figure. He interviews some of the most elite people in the sport, including Justin Medeiros and Eric Roza. 
  • Coffee, Pods & WODsThis weekly podcast prominently features personalities from the world of CrossFit and conversations about competitions, but episodes also touch on other topics. A recent example is an episode about triathlons. 
  • Clydesdale Fitness and Friends – Scott Switzer, Cat Scherer, Charlie Otey, and Amy Rudawsky take deep dives into the CrossFit Games and the
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