Search continues for former Wichita dentist missing in Colorado

Search continues for former Wichita dentist missing in Colorado

WICHITA, Kan. (KWCH) – The family of a former dentist from Wichita said the search continues for the 79-year-old man.

La Plata County Search and Rescue in Colorado said Jim Shahid went hiking on Sept. 3, in the mountains outside of Durango (near Purgatory) and never returned.

“…he was only going for a short while so didn’t bring anything with him (very unlike him as he is a very experienced outdoorsman),” said Shahid’s family on a website created to highlight the search. “We think he got disoriented and never returned.”

Search and rescue teams, drones, helicopters, specialized dogs and dozens of volunteers have all been working since Sunday to locate Jim.

He’s described as being 5′6 and 140 pounds. He was last seen wearing a tan safari-style hat and may have been in khaki pants. He was not carrying a backpack.

Anyone with information is asked to call La Plata County Search and Rescue at 970-385-2900.


Please call 970-385-2900 with any information.

Posted by La Plata County Search and Rescue on Tuesday, September 5, 2023

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Maryland dentist accused of giving prescription drugs and IVs to girlfriend on trial

Maryland dentist accused of giving prescription drugs and IVs to girlfriend on trial

Tina Harris knocked on the front door, a terrified mother examining on her daughter.

Sarah answered. The 24-calendar year-aged former splendor queen was an emaciated, unkempt shell of herself. Tina Harris asked her daughter to exhibit her forearms.

“No, mama,” her daughter pleaded.

“I grabbed her arm,” Harris told a jury, “and I pulled at the sleeves. And her minimal arms were being lined in needle marks and bruises.”

Tina Harris recalled the occasions in the course of testimony past 7 days in a demo in Montgomery County, Md., that turns on a complex question jurors will try to solution in the times and possibly months forward.

Was Sarah Harris, who a few months following her mother’s go to died of a drug overdose, murdered? Or was her death in 2022 not felony, but the outcome of a suicide or accident?

The scenario centers on James Ryan, Sarah Harris’s boyfriend, who is accused of killing her by introducing her to medical-quality prescription drugs from his oral medical procedures observe and environment up an IV drip method in their property. Prosecutors argue that even if Ryan didn’t produce the fatal dose himself, he should really be found responsible of “depraved heart” murder by building ailments in his dwelling that he understood were being fatal.

Dentist charged with murder in anesthesia habit situation heads to demo

The 50-12 months-aged seems to have swiped bottles of ketamine, propofol and midazolam from his observe. In the demo that started off Wednesday, prosecutors assert Ryan continued to supply the prescription drugs to Harris for months even as she spiraled into worsening addiction and overall health. Prosecutors performed a law enforcement human body-digital camera recording of Ryan talking to officers the early morning of Jan. 26, 2022, when Sarah Harris, 25 at the time, was identified useless in their dwelling home. Ryan can be listened to on the online video putting accountability on his girlfriend.

Immediately after Ryan’s arrest was designed community previous 12 months, a great deal interest targeted on the dentist.

“Can you notify us about Sarah? What was she like?” Assistant State’s Attorney Kimberly Cissel commenced in questioning Tina Harris.

“Sarah was a bright star,” she explained. “Sarah was entire of lifestyle. She was formidable. She was gifted. She was wise as a whip.”

1 of four youngsters, Sarah Harris received A’s and B’s in faculty as she struggled with mental well being troubles in her mid-teens. She graduated from Quince Orchard Superior School in the Gaithersburg spot, her mother mentioned, and attained a scholarship to Montgomery College or university.

Sarah also participated in natural beauty contests for Pass up Maryland and Overlook Maryland Petite, which she won in 2020, her mother informed jurors. That very same year Sarah Harris took a job at Ryan’s dental apply, Evolution Oral Medical procedures, in Germantown. The two started courting and Sarah sooner or later moved in with Ryan.

“We welcomed him into the loved ones,” Tina Harris testified, adding that she and Ryan communicated day

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Decide on the ideal toothpaste: 8 ideas from a dentist

Decide on the ideal toothpaste: 8 ideas from a dentist

Do you have a tendency to stand and stare at the wide range of toothpastes obtainable in the industry and wonder how to pick out the right toothpaste? Know that you’re not by itself. The choices can be mind-boggling. From presenting whitening and fresh new breath to cavity handle and plaque removal and sensitivity safety – there is a toothpaste for every dental issue. But which toothpaste is the most effective for your teeth?

There is no doubt that protecting the radiance of your smile and very well-staying of your dental health and fitness starts with the easy still vital alternative of deciding on the right toothpaste. Let us aid make an educated decision about the most effective toothpaste that will have your pearly whites gleaming.

Recommendations to pick out the right toothpaste

Dr Parampreet Kohli (MDS), Aesthetic Dentist and Smile Building Specialist, Founder of Smile Couture Dental Clinic, Mumbai tells Health Shots, about the items to hold in intellect just before picking out the proper toothpaste and the characteristics of a superior toothpaste.

1. Fully grasp your dental requires

Initially and foremost, understand your distinctive dental requires. Are you aiming to combat cavities, or handle sensitivity? Figuring out these requirements will serve as your compass in the journey to locate the ideal toothpaste.

2. Embrace the fluoride variable

Fluoride is your smile’s ideal pal. It is a mineral that fortifies your enamel against decay by remineralising weakened enamel. To be certain optimal safety, decide for toothpaste with fluoride outlined as an active component.

3. Sensitive tooth option

Regular use of desensitising toothpaste will decrease your teeth’s sensitivity if they are delicate to warmth or chilly. This is mainly because it is made up of compounds these types of as potassium nitrate or strontium chloride that aid block the dentinal tubule, thus blocking the transmission of feeling from the area of the enamel to their nerves. This alleviates enamel sensitivity.

4. Toothpaste for young children

This style of toothpaste normally includes considerably less sum of fluoride. Kids’ toothpaste also has much less abrasives for the reason that their teeth have significantly significantly less mineral content than adults’ enamel do. Children’s toothpaste also has flavours to make them get pleasure from brushing their enamel.

Toothpaste for children
Decide on a toothpaste diligently for little ones. Picture courtesy: Adobe Inventory

5. The ADA Seal of Acceptance

Trust the professionals. Glimpse for the American Dental Association (ADA) seal on the toothpaste packaging. This seal assures that the toothpaste has achieved demanding safety and effectiveness criteria.

6. Preventing unneeded additives

Steer apparent of toothpaste that contains extreme synthetic sweeteners, colours and harsh abrasives. These additives can be abrasive on enamel or bring about unnecessary irritation.

7. Consult with your dentist

When in question, consult with your dentist. They have a prosperity of know-how about your dental health and fitness and can deliver personalised recommendations primarily based on your special requires.

Your toothpaste choice is more than a mere schedule. It is a move toward a

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My dentist instructed me to halt making use of dental floss, and to change to this low-priced substitute on Amazon in its place

My dentist instructed me to halt making use of dental floss, and to change to this low-priced substitute on Amazon in its place

Total disclosure: I used to be a particular person who under no circumstances flossed. Even while I went to the dentist regularly and listened to the speech each individual time about flossing, I just by no means did it. I hated how the string designed my arms experience, and that the floss was constantly slipping or having stuck in among my tooth.

Then, my dentist bought truly authentic with me. He discussed that my gums had been bleeding for the reason that I was not flossing. And that if I retained on this route, it would probably lead to gum disease, which would necessarily mean laser operation. That is all I desired to hear. I was going to do better.

When I described to my dentist that regular string floss and even the floss sticks were being definitely challenging for me to use, he instructed me to quit hoping to use dental floss. He admitted that string floss just isn’t for everyone because it can be not constantly uncomplicated to use, which then discourages people today from flossing at all. Alternatively of using string floss, he encouraged these dental picks I can get appropriate on Amazon. All you do is slide them in among your enamel near the gum line, and they simply pull out the plaque. No strings acquiring caught among your tooth or drool rolling down your hand.


You may under no circumstances go back to flossing with string yet again.

$25 at Amazon

As promised, I started using these dental picks each and every working day right after that impolite awakening of an appointment. When I returned for my following check-up six months later? My dentist could not believe that how a lot improved my gums seemed. There was minimum bleeding as he was executing the regime cleaning, and he mentioned operation was definitely off the desk as prolonged as I continued flossing each day.

Now, I will admit the dental picks took some finding employed to. My gums absolutely bled for the initial couple of weeks as they bought made use of to staying flossed for the 1st time, like, ever. The good news is, it didn’t previous, and I grew to become a professional at utilizing the picks just before long. These times, I can mainly do it with my eyes shut (which is at times the case when I’m flossing half asleep at 6 a.m.)

I am not the only human being who swears by these dental picks. On Amazon, the picks have 4.7 out of 5 stars and plenty of rave reviews. In the responses, consumers say they are quick to use, do the job very well, and of program, are dentist-suggested.

No matter whether you hate flossing the conventional way or just never floss at all, you must certainly give these affordable dental picks a consider. They’re so simple and pain-free that even my teenage daughter makes use of them each working day. Now that is outstanding.


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I put in 7 yrs hoping to come across a neighborhood NHS dentist to extract my aching enamel – so I pulled them out myself with plyers from my toolbox

I put in 7 yrs hoping to come across a neighborhood NHS dentist to extract my aching enamel – so I pulled them out myself with plyers from my toolbox

A male has exposed that he eradicated his personal enamel with plyers soon after shelling out a long time fruitlessly searching for an NHS dentist.

In the course of an job interview on This Early morning, retiree Alex Grey, from Lincoln, recounted the excruciating agony he confronted as his tooth decayed although possessing to wait around ‘years’ for a area to open up up at a local dentist.

The ex-roofer, who had no dentistry encounter whatsoever, told presenters Josie Gibson and Craig Doyle that he experienced ‘no choice’ than to just take drastic motion – and had been pulling out his tooth for a whopping seven years.

The shocking news arrives as the ITV hosts claimed a staggering nine out of 10 NHS dentists refused to choose on new adult individuals.

Describing his working experience, Alex mentioned: ‘I was in so substantially pain as you can visualize.

I put in 7 yrs hoping to come across a neighborhood NHS dentist to extract my aching enamel – so I pulled them out myself with plyers from my toolbox

Alex Gray, from Lincoln has discovered that he eradicated his possess tooth with plyers soon after spending a long time fruitlessly exploring for an NHS dentist

‘If you have had a toothache you may know what the suffering is like. And it was definitely, genuinely terrible.

‘I experimented with ingesting heat [liquids], I experimented with drinking cold [liquids] and it failed to get the job done. In reality it created it worse.

‘I tried using ringing dentists and in the finish I started out to do that with a pair of plyers’.

Alex then animated the precise way he plied his tooth from his gums in a moment of sheer desperation. 

He admitted that the Diy solution left him in ‘even extra pain’, and so he took to using his knee medicine pills to appease the agony.

‘I took four and they served the agony but they begun producing me dizzy,’ he ongoing.

‘So then I went to pull it out and it wasn’t pretty so tough. Yes it was agonizing still but at the very least I could do it.

‘Whereas prior to I took the Co-codamol I could not do it. So I have just continued on to do exactly that’.

During an interview on This Morning with presenters Josie Gibson and Craig Doyle (pictured), the retiree recounted the excruciating pain he faced as his teeth decayed while waiting 'years' for a space to open up at a local dentist

Throughout an interview on This Morning with presenters Josie Gibson and Craig Doyle (pictured), the retiree recounted the excruciating discomfort he confronted as his enamel decayed although waiting ‘years’ for a house to open up up at a area dentist

Alex shared that he'd pulled out seven teeth in total while formerly living in Basingstoke, as there were no available dentists

Alex shared that he’d pulled out 7 enamel in complete while formerly living in Basingstoke, as there were being no accessible dentists

He continued: ‘I hold attempting to get a new dentist but all I get is perfectly, “We are going to set you on the checklist and if at any time we get a area, we are going to put you in”‘.

Josie appeared on in shock as she listened to the horrifying tale, in advance of remarking that Alex looked like he ‘had a whole lot of teeth’.

He replied that he’d pulled out 7 enamel in overall whilst previously residing in Basingstoke, as there ended up no

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‘An instance of who we really should be.’ Funeral specifics launched for Springfield dentist

‘An instance of who we really should be.’ Funeral specifics launched for Springfield dentist

Funeral expert services have been set for a Springfield dentist of 30 years who died abruptly earlier this 7 days.

Dr. William Ayers Lord, 56, died on Monday right after encountering a “heart event” even though on holiday vacation, his wife, Michelle Lord, said. Visitation is scheduled for right now from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Littleton & Rue Funeral Household and Crematory, and a provider is established for Sunday at 2 p.m. at Covenant Presbyterian Church.

His sister, Amy Lord Hearlihy, described her brother as 1 of the most supplying folks who preferred to practice random acts of kindness, including having to pay for men and women at dining establishments.

“He experienced this kind of an amazing affect on not only us as a loved ones, but the community at big,” Lord Hearlihy claimed. “I indicate he was likely a person of the most providing persons in the whole globe.”

The dentist was born in Fort Smith, Arkansas, prior to relocating to Pittsburgh, exactly where he grew a love for the outdoor, in accordance to his obituary. He moved to Springfield with his spouse and children in 1978.

Lord graduated from Springfield North Superior Faculty, where by he was the Panther mascot and a champion of school spirit, in 1985.

According to Lord’s obituary, the dentist was an avid sports fan, selling spirit at different games. While learning biology as an undergraduate and dental surgical treatment for his doctorate at Ohio State College, he auditioned to be the Brutus Buckeye mascot. Even though he was unsuccessful, Lord “remained an avid Buckeye lover and could be found on football Saturdays loudly cheering on his beloved crew.”

The dentist selected his area to enable persons relatively than to make dollars, Lord Hearlihy said. She stated in one particular scenario, a youthful client had a sporting activities-similar dental unexpected emergency on a Saturday, and Monthly bill Lord instantly helped him even while he was not his affected individual.

Michelle Lord stated her spouse was “the most excellent father in the whole world” to their 4 youngsters.

“His young ones meant all the things to him. All he preferred to do was make a world for them that was a excellent planet, and so he gave to his local community,” Michelle Lord claimed.

Monthly bill Lord supported any and all Clark County athletics and county teams like 4-H in advance of and immediately after his children were being included, his wife explained. He was also in the Oral Health and fitness Coalition, the ladies soccer mentor for Shawnee faculties, taught continuing education classes for dental hygienists, hosted externs in his exercise and was the president of the Mad River Dental Culture for about 20 yrs, Lord Hearlihy said.

The Lord siblings missing their father at a young age, which had an effects on Bill Lord, building him want to depart the entire world a improved area than when he located it, Lord Hearlihy claimed.

St. Catherines Island in Georgia and Lakeside, Ohio,

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